"DSX Access Systems, Inc. is a privately held corporation headquartered in Dallas, Texas since 1984. DSX products are sold worldwide through a network of factory-trained dealers. Dealers are located in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Latin and South America, Europe, Middle East, Australia and the Pacific Rim, Nigeria and many other countries.

DSX ‘s uncompromising dedication to engineering and manufacturing, coupled with a commitment to 24/7/365 product support, has always been a well-maintained priority. DSX Access Systems, Inc. is one of the most respected names in the security industry because of its concentration on providing products and service that exemplify Quality, Reliability and Integrity.

DSX Manufactures Integrated Solutions for the Access Control and Security Industries. Based in Dallas Texas, DSX designs all Software and Hardware in house. "Integrated Solutions and real world applications are what we do best."

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Systems Integration, Inc.